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Hi! Im trying to download the game from every link but It says that my archive is corrupted :( What can I do?

Sorry but I have no knowledge about such server related stuff :/

Which platform you trying to play on? Maybe fully deleting the current downloaded file can help, idk.

Impressive! You're actually made an update – not just an improvements like others usually do (I won’t even name them). Seems like you really care about your game, trying to release updates very often, despite problems you have irl – not just and only about money, delaying development for no reason like the ones I mentioned above. Well done! Seriously.


Altho I say thanks I do feel a bit bad because I do plan next to release update that will improve old stuff and fix some glaring issues, loopholes and consistencies. However with me being relatively free from irl stuff I'll do it much much quicker than last updates ^^

It's not a bad thing, you know? Considering how quickly you make new updates :D 

Gonna be honest: there is one game here that I like & have known for 2 years, and there were an story-focused update just only ONCE or so, can you imagine? 2 years and 1-2 hours of gameplay. The rest of the updates had new RPG elements and so on. So relax~ you really doing great :) 

Mediafire on Android is copyright. Just wanna tell you

I've never heard this one before, weird... Thanks!

Ummm... I have a problem while I download it, can you help me? It keeps crashing while downloading . 

There might be an issue with mediafire/that link so try one of the other 2 available ^^


OMG!! woaah! finally! one of my fave VN got an update, can't wait to read this update got to think of a way to leave my work early 😁

Kat your the BEST ❤️


♥ enjoy the update


i'm sure i gonna enjoy your update kat, although i'm gonna start from the beginning but it's worth playing again.. 


Love the game so far and I cannot wait for the next installment. I am a huge Raiko fan because I had my own shell to come out of long ago and I can definitely see the passion in this entire project. I just wanted to know if there are any other encounters in the game so far besides the one with Sarena. I plan to explore all the possibilities on my own but I'm just curious.

There are 2 more encounters ^^

Newest release crashes when I try to start a game. Any ideas as to why that is?

No idea. What platform are you using?

was using android 13


This is probably the best Adult visual novel I've ever played. I love how you actually give the characters depth and that they don't fall for the mc instantly. The pacing is also amazing. I hate games where you're already having sex on the first day. The relationships also feel more personal because you actually have to put time and effort into them and get to know them on a deeper level. This game is a 10/10 in my opinion and I'll definitely support your patreon. Keep up the good work!

Thank you! Plenty more of character development to explore in future ^^

There sooooooo much talk. Game and characters are so good but this much talk... Not for me. And contents for this much dialog are so less. So much slow progress.

But great work for who like this kinda games.

(1 edit)

Are there animated sex scenes in this ?

(1 edit)

Just downloaded the update. Do I install and overwite the previous or install new? If so, can I copy my last save to the new game folder? Sorry, new with these games.

Depends if you play on mobile or pc. Pc, no need to overwrite anything, you can completely delete  previous game folder.
If mobile yes I think overwrite is needed, but I can barely test android myself so I have almost 0 knowledge, if another androider can join in to explain would be great ^^

Thanks, on PC, but what about the save? Do I need to start over?

Saves transfer. They are located in game folder, but they are also saved in appdata folder, which isnt affected at all by you deleting the normal game folder.

You only need to start over with a New game if you used Walkthrough mod previously as it's no longer supported. Or if I make an announcement that starting over is required ^^

Thanks, all good. I'm loving the update! Such a great game!

You probably recieved this question 827,128,182,128 times but i'm too lazy to scroll down. Are you able to achieve a full harem in this game or not


No harem at all. Game will tell you so in first 2 minutes of playing ^^


Another great update! Cheers, thanks for all the hard work!

I feel like asking some "behind the curtain" questions this time around. First, is it possible to actually lose someone's route yet? Because I feel like I gave someone a pretty clear rejection, yet even that route stayed open (not complaining though). Second, as far as the affection points are concerned, at what point should I be worried? When I have less than 50%? When I have less than 66%? And finally, will the choice of girl depend on who we invite to that festival Avis mentioned? Of course, feel free to not answer if it's secret!


Well some I can and some I cannot answer in full ^^

Some I can't answer because they aren't defined nor planned that detailed into future.
What I can say is that there are currently 2 "clear" decline like choices (one you probably encountered) and the game does remember that. I didn't want it to instantly close routes,  kinda going by the real life implications that if a girl might like you that she won't instantly lose interest. Naturally that doesn't mean that each girls route can survive such choices (or same amount). For example maybe if you deny someone in future it would hurt the girl more and add instantly 3 points, instantly closing her route, but if you decline/do something else related to her that might only add 1 point into losing her route, if my explanation makes sense.

And for total points/% that part I haven't fully decided yet. At the moment (there are some adjustments I'll be doing in my next planned update) if you lets say dont have a certain threshold of points in some places, you simply don't get the "better" choices/outcomes and get the worse/worst ones. That also makes you lose even more points as there are many instances of "if idk Raiko >=15 and you do X choice, get += Raiko extra point".

I'll have to decide in future where I'll draw the lines with total points, and at which point the points themselves (and not the above declining choices points) would close routes.

(1 edit)

I noticed you mentioned the volume of the initial music for your game. Here is a little piece of code you can use to set the starting volume for your game. 

0 is no sound and 1 is max volume so if you copy and past this into your game it will set the default volume for music and sound effects in your game at 50%. At least this way people wont go deaf when they launch your game the first time.

init 990 python:

    config.default_music_volume = 0.5

    config.default_sfx_volume = 0.5

Hey there, I actually do use default, although they are 0.8 and 1.0 for sounds respectively.
It's more of a general disclaimer just in case, and in future I plan to make some small tweaks as in Ep4 I introduced music and sound channels for much better transitions between songs/sounds and with tuned volumes for each, but I didnt have the time and it might have broken some saves if I introduced that for ep1-3 this time around. It will be fully fixed in next update though ^^


Apologies,  I am trying to reupload files as I've noticed some relationship points incorrectly displayed, and while reuploading I uploaded a test version where it had random endscreen appearing 😂


This is such a refreshing AVN. The protagonist isn't just a horndog walking around wanting to bang everything that moves and all the girls aren't out of character during sex. I like how the focus is more on relationships rather than sex. Everything feels more realistic and natural. Good to see HS2 models that aren't in a harem. Overall, a unique and promising game. Just expect it to be a slow-burn game.


I've been looking for similar games while waiting for an Eternum update. (Pleasantly surprised to see Chang!) This is definitely up to par and should be rated higher! 

Also Avis is best girl! Please add more of her in the next update as well!


Oi! Some other girls also need more love! ☺

Not from me I've heeded your words about this not being a harem and have chosen my path. Haha in all seriousness though I understand its reasonable to spread the content and not neglect characters between updates.


bruh... love you man <3 game is as good as its graphics and this game is one of the best examples how to do AVN properly

(2 edits) (+5)

Avis is the best wifu i'm in love with her.


Insert "Another one" gif 😁


Keep up the amazing work. I have been a fan of this series since day one and i love everything about it.  My favorite girls are Avis, Koko, Raiko and Levy :)


I am sure you will have at least some of those girls in this update ^.^


Can't wait to re-play this game to get myself caught up on the story. Great work and keep it up Katana


Thankies, hope you enjoy it!


₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑😁


I love the story, but calling this a "game" is a bit disingenuous.   I click through a story for 40 mins before a choice becomes available.   I dont feel as though my input (on the rare instances where i have input) really matters much.


I mean... It's a visual novel. Visual Novel game. Most if not all work the same way... So Clannad, Doki Doki, Fate/Stay, Steins Gate, and currently around 8 000 VN games on Steam suddenly aren't games?

That's a bit rude, especially as my game also has quite a lot of choices. If it was a Kinetic novel (no choices at all), I could understand a bit, but not for this. There are some VN games with more interaction, but those are usually rare (like Persona can kinda be a VN game).


Sorry you have to deal with comments like that. Some people just can't be happy unless they have something to complain about.


Juuuust a Troll... Please ignore  while crossing all virtual bridges...  


I was just recommended this AVN, I see that there is an update coming soon. I will wait to download till then. from what i have seen it looks great and I cant wait to start. when does the public release of the new update drop?


Public drops in 2 and a half days, 57 hours from my post right now!
Give or take 30 minutes for me to slowly update everywhere haha ^^

Deleted 104 days ago

I do, altho the programme I use can be a bit finicky, not to mention poses, shoes, heels etc. There was also bugged heights of some characters before which I've fixed since then.
Dimitri big chad 😎

Deleted post

LETS GOOOOOOOOO ~100 hours left!


Just finished episode 3 and so far I love it can't wait to see more of the amazing story


Aaaaaalmost there with Episode 4!

(1 edit) (+3)

Wonderfully written. I like that I can actually play a decent person and yet still have what seems like meaningful relationships with people. I also appreciate that I can choose "other" approaches and may explore them later but thank you, your work is very enjoyable.


Chad routes enjoyer 😎


Hi I'm just finishing you game and i like it your game but when they have sex scene if you don't mind 😌✌️


When the time is right!


Great game! I absolutely love it. I found the game through recommandations from some other people on other forums and I'm clearly not disappointed.

I rarely play dating simulators kind of games tbh because most of them only have sex scenes, no good plot or story - Fates Collide on the other hand is amazing, it reminds me a bit of Eternum through how the plot is well designed, with similar humor and realistic relationship with the girls.
I also saw Chang and Micaela in it, it was quite funny seeing them in this game too ;)

Looking forward for the next updates!

Happy to have you and thanks for playing! ^.^


One of the best I've seen on here. The humor is spot on and all the character models are amazing. Keep up the great work!



FIIIIIIIIIIIIRE. I really enjoyed this. I love the character designs and the girls seem to all have some sort of backstory. All of them are super interesting. I was surprised by the amount of content. There was a lot more than expected. I'm excited for the next update.


My pleasure!


i though this game was just gonna like the other adult games with full of shmex scene left and right and a straightforward story telling to keep the players hook a bit longer if the shmex scene isnt doing much BUT NO! god damn i was so invested in the story! 

i love koko so much 100% must be protected, raiko best girl! and avis is soo hot and quirky i fcking fell in love with her! (i just had to login back to my acc just to say how much i love avis tbh) i cant wait for more to come! (also avis shmex scene) im really loving this so much so far! this is amazing from the character models to the story to the music and everything! 

best girl Avis 1000/10~!


Waifu wars intensify


Downloaded this on a whim bored out of my mind, but I must admit I am genuinely surprised by how good this was! I had to make an account and drop my respects in the comments.

Feels much more...natural than the others virtual dating sims I've indulged in. Really looking forward to see how the story progresses!


Thanks for the praise!
And yup that's exactly what I am trying to do. Of course all within some limits, but I wanted a bit more realistic and slower take on relationship.


Hi dev first of all loved game what do you think regarding pregnancy or impregnation option in future updates for this game

As I said somewhere down down below, I'll only possibly consider for the very ending, epilogue ^^

ok thanks keep it up buddy 


Been following this game for a long time. The mellow feel of it from the start to gradually ramping up in the story, I was hooked. This game makes you play the long game in getting what you want out of it, and I like that. It makes you focus on everything else above the nudes and such. 

Avis best girl.


what is your favorite girl of them? do you have multiple?

(asking the dev but anybody can answer)


The most generic Dev answer -> All of them.

Jokes aside it is now true, after slightly upgrading the designs of some girls throughout the time (Eiko best example and fixing her broken hair and unnatural gray skin) and after expanding some girls lore, now all are my favs (* ̄3 ̄)╭


(1 edit) (+1)

Mine is raiko, her reaction is just too cuuuttee like huueh! And..she's my type of girl, shy, cute, beautiful, aaaaahhh.


the best answer

(1 edit) (+1)

Ive got a question will there be solo endings or only the harem one? (or will there even be a harem one?)


Nope! Only solo endings, no harem/multiples endings.

Ah, I don't understand, what does solo endings means if no harem or multiple endings?


Meaning you can only end up in a proper, romantic relationship with one character at the end of the game, so after a certain amount of time (long time, we aren't close to it yet) you'll be locked into one girl route.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

thank you for answering and thank you for being one of the only developers who will make a monogamy relationships and because of that ill see to it to do most if not all the endings


and tbh im getting tired of all these polygamy relationships in these good visual novels


I fully appreciate that people have different opinions and respect yours; but, man... The thought that there can be "too much" polyamory or group sex just short circuits my brain. Thank goodness there's plenty of room in the world for variety and Dev's who run the gamut.




Kokonuts indeed ^

Deleted 1 year ago

I hope you enjoy it!

Deleted 1 year ago

Seeing Chang here made me wheeze the hardest I think I've ever wheezed playing a dating sim lmao I love it


This comment is the reason I'm trying this game before others. I just finished Eternum and i'm hoping its the same Chang here

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