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put on steam? it has more then enough content 


Neither Honey Select nor Koikatsu games can be sold on steam, as far as I understand.


Yep, as Di said ^


oh well i'll just follow here or on patreon thanks for response kat

Is it a content issue or something else? Considering all the avns on steam and then doing 18+ patches via way of dlc on steam or off-site, I'm guessing with you guys saying that, did steam change its policies again? O.o


Not content issue, but software ^^

Ahhh, gotcha. Thank you for the reply🙏

(1 edit)

Is it possible to play the previous episodes or does it have all the episodes up to 4?


It comes with all previous content as well, so Ep4 is ep1-4.



One of the best VN out there, the story, renders, the chars... I've played a lot of them trying to search/look for a good one, that just doesn't jump right into the H scenes and this one just hits the spot I was looking for... Can't wait for Ep 5!


Glad you enjoyed, more to come! 😎


Hello, what an amazing game, you really have a great talent for creating a story, I'm a big fan, I'm from Brazil, keep going because this game is amazing, thanks, and greetings from Brazil

Thank you!


Made an account just so I could comment. Good story so far! And seeing Chang in the game, just made it perfect. Can't wait for next update! 


I wish for more cameos!


Also, I gotta say this is a nice change of pace from the usual H VN. Loving the story (mentioned above), mainly because how rooted to reality most of the interactions are. Keep up the good work, and all the best in your studies! I'll keep my eyes here to see any future updates.

Glad you enjoyed it!
Yep the main focus was to try a bit more realistic approach to the setting and convos/relationships ^^


I have started playing and rating AVNs, and add them to my public collections. I do not wish for anyone to hate on any author, not even me, but I know I can be quite crass in my comments, and I am only human. That said, I sincerely respect authors that don't block someone for criticism, and I will stop my self-promotion there.

This review is being written as I am playing the game for the first time.

The first thing I noticed, was that I missed a dialog box, or a choice in the settings to set opacity of a dialog box. I know it will mean that some parts of the scene will be covered, but I would rather have an easier time reading the story, and have to press H to hide it if there's something I want to see in full. I have yet to play more than two minutes when writing this.

After about 45 minutes of playtime, I am really interested in knowing about the mysterious woman in th cafe. In many AVNs, I don't feel interested in getting to know characters or their motivation, simply go with the flow because that's what the story requires, but this game has so far managed to capture my curiosity.

GREAT WIDE GRIN at the sound effects and situation on your first day of school :-D

Starting the night on the first day of school, I am glad to see that the two guy friends you have, are both different, and to a small extent the same, while also not being too obnoxious or pushy or wimpy, like many AVNs do with male friends.

!!NB!! I am unsure if I can manage to keep from doing spoilers from here on, so be warned. !!NB!!

Like the warning we're given during the night about our choices. It very lightly ruins your immersion, but I am glad of both ways; tell the player, or let the player find out for themselves. There are advantages to both, and in a game that is as good as this one seems to be so far, I wouldn't be opposed to either approach.

Not a fan of the music during your interaction with Serena.

Glad to see the creator is aware that men should also be wary of accepting drinks from strangers.

At the end of the second day of school, I'm glad to be torn about who to choose when I have the choice between MC's guy friends and the women I am trying to seduce. I am also glad to see that you get to choose whether or not to pursue a relationship with someone.

I am also dying to know what the deal is with Kenji and everything else surrounding him.

I guess I'll end my first-impression review there. Game time is about 2.5 hrs.

TLDR: Engaging storyline, exciting personalities, great artwork, manages to make the guy friends feel like friends you don't want to reject because they're just side characters, as many AVNs do. Highly recommend this game!

(2 edits)

Hi katana, i have 2 question

1. Is it possible to share all the song you use in the game, your music taste is just *chef kiss*, also you know when and what song to use in certain situations, it makes everything even more perfect.  but i cant find all the songs, only managed to get song from R.A.D. 

2. Whenever update come, do i have to reinstall the app to include the latest update? 

Thank you for your sweat blood and tear making this VN, i love you, but i love serena more 

I don't really have a list of all songs, and some will get changed in next update to reflect a few things.

Hmm no idea about Android (if thats the app meaning). But players will have to start from scratch in ep4.5 anyway so yeah, at least for next release, reinstall is probably needed. (unless you are on pc, no need to "reinstall" the game)

I see, thank you 

Please for the love of God don't change the one in the bedroom with Serena. I don't know the name but I play that one all the time.


I fucking loved this game

and can't you make Valentina a main Character or at least with more scenes to her? she is such a cool character


She is a slow character, but yes, she getting some love too. I am (in ep4.5 Redone version) giving her slightly more visibility in early episodes/content (alongside some other girls), but she will also be main focus with Serena and one more in Episode 5 too (the camera thingie she talked about ^^)

So stay tuned for ice queen!

I am so happy in seing that she will be getting more attention. And whats about the end of the game tho? like I didn't quite get my hand on it, the girl has 2 personalities? (and I forgot the name of the girl) that was such a cliffhanger tho

You'll have to see in future about Eiko ^^

Oh I will sure be waiting


I really enjoyed this VN! I'm still new to AVN but i could tell how good the graphics and scenes were. I had fun learning  about the different characters and their backgrounds!

I didn't mind that this isnt a harem focused game. It was refreshing to get to know the stories! Team Koko all the way!


Glad you enjoyed 😊

A veeeery good story, I've rarely come across something like this, only that the "spicy" parts are quite rare... or maybe I didn't choose the right way? A walktrough would be very helpful :)

Anyway, keep going this way ... I love it ;)

There are 3 scenes at the moment, and yup, it's meant to be that way as it's a slowburn ^^


I heard you like feedback, so you shall receive. First of all, I respect that you want to stick to your non-harem vision! I'd love to see a game that implements this concept well. However...

1. As a new player, I'm unsure how to approach this game. The convenient thing about harem games is that everything goes. You don't have to worry about infidelty too much because you can always sort it out eventually if you play your cards right. Also, they often have group sex later on in the story, which is popular. With this game however, I don't know how I should act. Should I really only flirt with one girl? Or with my top three girls? Would that already be too much? I'm scared to access "too much" of the game's content because it might backfire. More clarity would be nice.

2. If you really want to lock the player into one path only, 7 girls to choose from is too much. You're spreading yourself too thin. Also, it seems that some girls are a LOT more popular than others among the comunity which I find problematic. I'd say cut it down to 3/4 love interests and make each really fleshed out and likeable in their own right. But that's not something you can just change just like that, obviously.

3. The story doesn't hook me. Now, this might be a preference thing but I like it when there's a nice story that gives you a break from "dating" while still making you become more attached to the girls when they join you on your adventures. Some games focus exclusively on "dating", maybe that's what you're going for, but it wouldn't be for me. Also, having two parties in short succession looks like a writing sin, mix it up a bit!

4. The humor is more miss than hit. I like that you're trying, but most of the time it seems like low effort. The problem is less the joke itself but the delivery. Also, don't repeat jokes, you know the rule!

5. Who even is Falazio? I can't put my finger on it but his personality just confuses me. Maybe I'm going crazy.

That was a lot of negative feedback, but it's not all bad! The girls look great, music choice is excellent and I like that you're brave enough to try something new. But as it is right now, it's not a good game in my book. Not yet at least. I hope this helps, best of luck with your efforts!


First of all, as always, this game isn't for everyone as some clearly have certain preferences. 
Have you played any games rendered in Daz, like Summer Heat, Summers Gone, Badik, etc.? It's essentially the same principle as them, and there is a vast amount of non-harem games, it's just that the almost never exist in hs1/2 space for whatever reason besides mine. Maybe this comparison helps.
So you can if you wish instantly lock on one girl you like, but there is no real downsides exploring and getting to know girls as you wish initially. Only later on in the game do you have proper drawbacks if you tried to pursue each of the 7 girls at same time, as it's impossible to have high points with all girls at same time, and some choices will be locked due to points.
Moreover, that's also what my players enjoy, the whole point is to replay few times, see how things can effect the characters, what happens if you go with someone instead of another etc. That's the main draw to it, and obviously it's not for everyone.

2. While 7 is a lot, I don't think it's over the top, honestly I don't know a single non harem game with only 3 girls, that would be boring especially if zero girls picked any interest to the player. Balancing is hard, but I am trying my best to give the spotlight to all girls, with some fixes in ep4.5 already + ep5 being focused on lesser screentime girls. And I love all my girls, ain't no way I am cutting one 😊

3. Hm idk how to answer the latter points. Yeah, friendship, relationships and dating is the main motive, with the other being related to certain aspects with parts showcased slightly throughout ep1-4. Parties there will be quite a bit, it's an university setting and I've had my own big share of them throughout. People loved ep3 party and there will be more in future with branching parts and choices ^^

4. and 5. Uhhhh well it's a hit or miss, can't hook everyone with humor. Soli gave me a cup that says "best dev with jokes" so I guess at least some jokes players enjoy 🤣Maybe you going crazy, but he is a goofball for the most part. And a bro.

I appreciate feedback and for the most part I don't mind discussing my stances, as sometimes that can lead to improvements or open-mindness, however I am also not changing the core structure of my game to cater to any categories of players.


Thanks for your reply! Sure, you can't make everyone happy and if you have a community that likes what you do, why change it? As for other non-harem games, you're right, my scope still seems to be quite limited. Still, this is the first game of this kind I came across, and I might not be the last; a small clarification, that messing around with multiple girls won't be punished, would be nice.

I have not played the game yet, but after seeing how active you are, I'll give it a shot. Also, I love the concept of struggling to choose between the girls(I am replaying it a couple of times rather than trying to make everyone happy). So thanks for creating this kind of game(s) from now on.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

My dude really just did "☝🤓" thing...

These emojis could mean a lot of things. I'm assuming you mean that I'm trying to lecture someone on something I barely understand myself? Fair point, though I'm just illustrating my own perspective, as uninformed as it might be. The dev can and should disregard my opinion if I'm not someone they're catering to. Which is fine, they can't make everyone happy.


It looked as if the dev was trying to get nominated somewhere (or to be hired by Rockstar, for example), and you are an experienced critic. Maybe it's just your way of speaking? I don't know. Visually it looked like what I wrote above, so... 

However, nevermind~ 

Wasn't trying to insult anyone. Just a joke

Ok, no worries! Guess I overinterpreted your message^^


Game is amazing. I'm glad you focused on Avis so much in this game. I have a hard time choosing between her and Valentina sometimes, but I loves me some goth girls.


No harem, skip

Show post...

You have fun on your own adventure then.


Thanks for letting me know.


Bruh, kid.. 

Deleted 1 year ago

People can translate if they wish to, but honestly I don't recommend currently due to all the changes ep1-3 will undergo in Episode 4.5.

Deleted 1 year ago

For so long i put this game off simply because i was too afraid to play it due to lack of the h word, however after actually growing a pair (and being forced to do so by half of you crazy folks) I entered the world of Kats game and I daresay im hooked. The whole thrill of making choices that cockblock myself are not only thrilling, but painful to bear at the same time. It's such a well thought out game that I never thought I'd see the end of (I will however wait until ep 5 is released and continue my trait of procrastinating the game again for another 3 updates). The story is quite easy to follow, and personally (obviously) all the girls are great. Will graciously await the release of 0.5, and will fight off any and every uwu chant you guys may think of in discord. 

Love the game, and trying to play the most recent update. But it doesn't give me the option to update my current install when installing the APK on Android. Anyone else have this issue?

Unfortunately I have no idea about Android (and can barely install on my old phone) but I saw this what one user did. He said he has phone in debug mode.

"for future reference i was able to just use file explorer on windows 10, navigating to this folder ~\Internal shared storage\android\data\com.katanavn.fatescollide\files\saves then navigated to here ~\Internal shared storage\android\data\com.fatescollide.release\files\saves renamed persistent to persistent.old and then pasted the contents"

(2 edits) (-2)

You can run an Android emulator on your PC to simulate game testing. A budget Android phone (6GB+128GB) is only sold for 99-168 dollars in China. Second-hand phones will be priced at 30-50 dollars. Isn't it the same where you are?

I'm also stumped on how to unlock the last picture of Koko. Can someone please give me a step by step instructions on how to unlock it?

Have enough relationship points with her
Ep4> Go with Falazio and not Raiko (movie)
> choose Koko options at the party and ignore Soo-Ah
> if you got enough options she will approach you when you exit the bathroom and you can choose to pursue more with her

Roughly how many relationship points do I need Katana? If you could give me a actual amount it would be awesome.

The ending with eiko in chapter 4 almost made me cry. I think she is a good character who is going down a bad path.


19 so it should be relatively easy.
Also, if you dont stop posting constantly the exact same comments again and again and again I'll ban you from this thread, yes, I understood and saw your comments, the first, second and third time.

(1 edit) (-1)

Please unblock me katana from the main comments. I didn't think me asking if you were male or female warranted blocking me. I'm truly sorry if I asked to personal of a question. I also promise not to repeat my comments over again 

Deleted 2 days ago

Both of those are likely to do with the sheer volume of games that are harem games, or just games with a lot of h-scenes.

Though, I'm sure a portion of the people asking if it's a harem game is because the characters are so well written and created that picking one over another will be a difficult task.

What is the reason you play H games? A good story, soundtrack, well written characters etc, all are fantastic. These elements can even definitely ruin a game if not done well. But, the MAIN reason you are playing an H game is to see H content with the girls in the game. So locking a character out of the girls in the game is just a very dumb thing to do. It's like, here I baked you a tray of a bunch of different kind of cookies, you can have a nibble of each of them but you have to pick only ONE to eat and you CAN'T have the rest. See why that doesn't make sense?


Well no, some also play for the story and the developed characters, and many non h games truly shine in that department because not being harem allows them to show  the deep characteristics and how different characters might react in the same circumstances (plot/story wise) compared to each other. In harem games the game is a lot more linear in terms of events as you have to follow a certain line so each of the girls of the harem can have their turn. Which is also fine, I enjoy a lot of harem games. But I wanted mine the way it is so it can be a bit less linear as pointed above, and some of my fav games are those non harem games, like your hated leap of faith, summer heat, ripples, pale carnations, and more. Again, to each their own, you have certain values you look for in games (harem and scenes with all girls) while others (like Samu and most of my players) have other values they search for. I see no reason to project your personal take onto someone's else (especially someone who posted 159 days ago...)

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

WHAT BRO!?... wheres ur Manners? HA HA HA... Your example is  funny for sure- but crazy  wrong... & a  TERRIBLE choice!...ROTFL...LMFAO!!

if  someone brings out a batch of cookies,  common sense  dictates you pick ONE! take it & say THANK YOU!....  

You shouldnt touch the other cookies! LOL Let alone NIBBLE on them !!... Thats Crazy!

I get Your Point! Trust Me i do.... but  your analogy was straight BONKERS bro.  Ha Ha ...  im really in tears... lol... & you sounded so serious! 

I'm so glad the player got to see how Avis' side of things continued after where she stopped with MC. My imagination was already running wild with all we were told up to that point and it would have made of one hell of a cliffhanger if it were just left at that!

Can't wait to see what future chapters have in store, hope things go by smoothly for you!

Felt fitting giving the small glimpse what happens next ^^

when do we get to see koko fully nude or get to have sex with her? she has a attractive body. btw the game is quite good. good job

Plus I can't wait to see how the game is going to go. The ending with eiko at the end of chapter 4 almost made me cry. My favorite characters so far are Koko and Serena and eiko

I'm also stumped on how to unlock the last picture of Koko. Can someone please give me a step by step instructions on how to unlock it?

What's the name of the song that goes "look me in the eye's" It's stuck in my head and I can't seem to find it anywhere

Mind telling me at which part in game? I can't recall from that quote :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Katana, I think Tears is talking about the song that plays while you play the first round of beerpong against Serena at the hotel party in episode 3 (also when Serena talks to you at Uni in episode 4, before the class starts). 

Also, love your work, thanks for putting in so much effort :)

In that case, it's In The Eyes – Peyruis  ^^

Thanks so much!

Keep being awesome and have a great New Year's :)


Hello! Absolutely love your game. And great work on Astrid! I really love her design and she's my favorite so far, hoping to see more of her. Keep up the great work!


Glad you liked it!
And for Astrid I take absolutely zero credit, she is made by my amazing friend April and is a cameo of sorts, he gave me rights to use her.

How can i get de first two pictures of the gallery from Valentina?? I played de games a few times and she's the only one that I can't get all pictures.

For optimal Tina in early episodes:

Apologize Go for handshake Make up a lie Say Nothing Sit with her in cafeteria Be honest Shop: Praise her Invite to the beach

How can I have everything possible from Eiko, how do I follow her route?

There isn't much with her tbh!
In early Episode say you know Kenji and look at her, Drink and wave at her in ep2, and in Ep4 be calm when you confront her (and follow her).


(3 edits) (+1)

Great game so far, the Setting was introduced in a great way, we definetly get enough information about what is going on and I like that we see the part where he is making his way to uni.

Avis and Koko both look stunning in literally every frame.

The main character looks like a lil bitch to be frank(whats with his hair lol). His clothing in the beginning seem like all of those trash ass shirts from gta, you know these bright in collor that have a huge "bigness" smacked on them,

I really hope new clothing comes with character devolopment

Mommy with green hair check? Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?Mommy with green hair check?

Whats wrong with his hair? Unless you mean Episode 1-3 hair, that I agree is terrible.
The newer Ep4 is how he will now always have it.

Some clothing of his old stuff will be changed, but also eeh, there is always a taste/opinions ^^


Hola a todos, me encanta este juego, me encantaria que hubieran mas escenas de las chicas, o poder elegir que hacerles, pero por lo demas muy muy bueno!

For the last side girl seen, how do you get it? The hint is go to soo-ah's party and play with her. Whenever I go to the party no matter what choices I make I just get the koko seen or none at all. Is it later in the game or am I missing something?

You need to avoid Koko as much as possible, also not enter enthusiastically with her.

When I did I didn't get a seen, I had 5 points for her at the end. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong, does it have to be a eiko playthrough?

enter normally > tell your story> not in a relationship>don't state a reason> look at soo ah >ask soo ah > don't close the distance for easiest Sooah scene


thank you


i played this game a time ago and now im bout to play the new episode, the game it's actually pretty awesome, and the story it's also interesting


So in the last panel when you list the total points for the relationship with each character, are those the total points you need to collect in order to have a relationship with them, or is it the number of points with them you COULD have attained so far if all the correct options were chosen?

It's the max amount possible (I think Koko one is by 1 point still wrong) you can currently get in ep1-4 content in one run. And no, you don't need maximum points to have relationship.


I really appreciate the amount of detail and care put into this game. One thing I don't think receives enough attention is how characters don't seem to wear the same outfit twice (or very rarely do). I know this is something that seems like more effort than it's worth, but I think it adds such depth to the world and makes the characters feel that much more "real." So, kudos to Katana for thinking things through like that. 

Nice game with quite a interesting start but its soon gets boring with long dialogues and very few sexy scenes and then it ends before it gets really interesting. Episode 4 is actually only a teaser. I wonder if I really should spend money to continue.


My game, as mentioned, is a slowburn style of game, which focuses on characters and dialogues first and foremost. And if you check around the comments here, you can see it's well liked for what it is.
If you wanted to play an AVN with sex around every corner, there is plenty of those around, and some are quite good games. But this isn't one of them.

If the only interesting things were the lewds, than this game isn't for you, especially considering the teaser comment.
And ummm the game is completely free, so I don't understand the "spend money" comment.

Thank you very much for your answer but for the  download a payment is requested and the Patreon link also leads to memberships with recurred billing. Sorry that I bothered you with my insignificant opinion.

(1 edit) (+1)

Itchio always leads by default to payment but you have "no lead me straight to download" button meaning all downloads are free.

Patreon again all public links are completely free and nobody needs to press any membership fees to see them:

Unless you wish to view all extra content there that I make, like wallpapers and such, those do require membership.


Great game, can you change it to harem though?! Why not be able to get all scenes without rereading and skipping? really


I am sure you'll figure it out.


Harem is overrated and unrealistic...


bro is speaking straight facts


That's your opinion. We can like what we like, and there is a large market for harem. I obviously love this game or I wouldn't be commenting like this, and it could just raise the bottom line for the devs $$$, which then could help get more content for all of us. Having harem with option to not take harem routes makes more sense for players than limiting to one girl at a time.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

If the Dev doesnt have harem planned its not planned. period he doesnt need to sell his soul to the masses just to make more money. that would just mean they are a sell out.

this is one of the few Well done no harem games and honestly it should stay that way.


is this one girl kinda thing or an harem?

Well at the start you can go for multiple girls but you will only end up with one at the end


It's not harem



(1 edit)

do you have a list of the songs and music in the game plz


Picked this back up recently cuz I've seen it's been updated a bit... the first time I played it was before I played Eternum and I never appreciated the Chang cameo... now that I've experienced both these gems though... *chef's kiss* Love it, love this, can't wait to get past where I was before!


Seems multiple people have download issues, something with their server and files getting corrupted. I'd suggest using MEGA links as main download for next 2-3 days to be safe ^^


Dude wow u seriously did awesome job with this update. Both in terms of quality and story. You really love this game and it shows with how much effort you have put despite being busy irl , hope a lot of people support this game. Seriously good job dude.

Also don't forget to take a break from now and then. 

Ps. Can we have a Serena & Avis harem route as an option in future, I know this isn't harem focused which is realistic but still pleeeeeeease  T○T


Thanks! But for the other part, I think you know yourself the answer is no 👀
No harem means no harem, whatever the combination people come with.

(2 edits)

Maybe you should make a DLC xDD

Yup dlc is better option instead of having it  in game like probably a harem ending.  but sadly katana chan is hard to seduce, lol  nonetheless the story is good so I am excited for how it'll lead on in future.

(1 edit) (-1)

Mostly I was joking, but sure. It also means dev respects his work and won't add anything he doesn't want because someone else does


Gotta admit – it would be hot! Buuut.. We can't decide something like that. Everything is up to dev)


Hell ya finally new release! I'm excited, and thank you for your continued work :)


Glad to deliver! 🥳

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