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You've already mentioned how this isn't going to be a harem game, have you thought about the possibility of some polyamorous routes for characters you think have good chemistry?


Nope, the game will only feature single girl endings.


Much appreciated bro...i loved the story so far i was worried harem crap was gonna mess it up 😥


Shame. I would've liked to at least have the option.

Is this game completed? Or still have some update?

I just didn't realy like cliffhanger end😂

This game is very far from it's ending! 😁

nice im going to play it then


Why do I do this to myself?
Now I have another AMAZING game that I have to wait on updates for.
I play this to get away from waiting on Eternum, but my boi Chang graces us with his presence.
And holy crap, at first I was a bit put off by not having a harem, but I then remembered I am a normal human male who only wants one girlfriend and then found the dilemma to be choice.
You better stop writing such good characters Katana, I'm going to have to play multiple times when this game is finished.
I am leaning towards Avis, but Serana hit me like a truck with her emotions and side of the story, but I don't quite believe her.
I knew a girl that was similar to Avis, but she was quite... salacious, so I am biased to doubt Avis, even though I don't want to.
Even so, I choose Avis.

Dang Caribidis and his amazing game making inspiring others to make great games grumble grumble...

TL;DR 10/10 game with actually well written characters.


Oh no, guess I have to stop writing those characters!
Haha, jk. Glad you liked it!


Loved the Eternum reference with Chang and Micaela, also scared the hell outta me that the MC has the same name as me and his surname ALSO STARTS WITH B

Sussy sus Nathan look. 🤐

(2 edits) (+1)

Loved this! 

Not only are there lots of choices, the characters are really endearing!

Also, I love how not every choice involves the girls but the bros too!

Best of lucks with university! 


We all have a few bros in life too, gotta keep some reality aspects !
Thanks! Will be hard, but I really wish to finish it and be done with my uni journey.


I started this game and was thinking this was a very good game, not many scenes currently but the storytelling and character designs make up for it tenfold. then I found out that this wouldn't be a harem game. that will easily make this game one of the best out there.

I have one question however, What is the modeling software used for the graphics in game?

Thank you, definitely will be back a few times.

Glad you enjoyed it for what it is!
Models are created in Honey Select2


Not even done my first go through and you've got my laughing a good few times, definitely looking forward to what comes next!


Glad you enjoyed it so far!

I know it isn't a harem game but is there a way to pursue all girls? 


You can still pursue all girls, but the more story progresses in the future, the more you will lose out if you don't narrow it down. It's not a harem for a reason.

Deleted 2 years ago

It's actually not from Pokemon, perhaps very similar though ^^

на русском будет или нет?

очень хочется

I'd suggest writing in English so it's easier to understand.
And no, I am not doing any translations. Some people have been thinking of doing a translation into a  few languages, but Russian wasn't one of them.

Why is Russian a problem for you? or do you just dislike him?

I don't know how you've come to that conclusion from my words...

Once again, there are some people doing some translations of my game, but I haven't heard of any Russian versions yet. I think the only actual working translation so far was Italian.  


When i was at the bathroom scene during the party Clarity and Avicii came on, i fucking lost it. Nostalgia was real 

(1 edit) (+2)

You're lucky you're a kick ass dude chang or i'd be mighty weirded out you popped up out of eternum...but knowing his character and how he shows up kinda makes sense.

so uhh that cute pink haired girl in the back ground occasionally is gonna show up right? Not just some background character right?...right.

Who knows 😁

I'm having problem when I open the game it show all the girls and when I try to click new game it force the game to close 

Can anyone help me ? 

Could you give more information? Are you on pc, mac or Android?
What does that "all girls show" mean? Main menu? Gallery?

(1 edit)

oh sorry 

Main menu I mean yeah 

And when i press new game and the game start but after 3 sec the game crashes 

And also when I press gallery too the game crashes 

I've... Never heard nor seen anything of that, so I am inclined to think it's something on your part.
Which platform are you playing on? Pc/mac/android?

If anything related to Renpy (the engine used for the vn) breaks, it's immediately error message popup, not delayed, hence why it should be related to your system instead.

Forgot to mention sorry again 😬

Im playing it on Android 

I played the previous version and I uninstall and when I saw that there's an update i redownload it 

And I doesn't work anymore the crashes thing happen

Thanks for the help I really like this game ❤️


Already looking forward to 0.4.


Glad you liked it!

So if you want to see all the girl's stories, you need to have a playthrough with each girl? (not complaining, just asking as Katana stated this is not a harem VN). 

In theory, yes. But that's more for later. Now, besides missing small bits, you can basically have all routes open with just one playthrough. Unless you are pressing all the wrong choices :D

thanks for the quick reply!! Will try it, looks really promising ^^ 

Wait its not? .. that's new


now i see......

the reason you don't charge CARI for borrowing FALAZIO huh.. lol

CHANG appeared wooah!! that FALAZIO and CHANG are cool guy.. nice fair

btw another great update man love your game same as ETERNUM.... 💙


Yup! Hopefully the small crossover cameo was done well ^^


it's a nice crossover both character


Just finished this and I loved it! When Chang turned up I had to do a double take, haha.


Heist master at your service.


🥥 hehe


Kokonuts army!


Amazing game, will be following for sure


Thanks for playing! 😊


The story is well done, very captivating! While I noticed some grammar issues, it's still really good! Managed to make all the characters likeable, it's so incredibly hard to choose a route, I've already had to make so many saves just to make sure I have every route covered! Will be following this closely!

Phew, I hoped more would be fixed, but it's slowly getting improved grammar wise. Thanks for playing!


Very nice.  Will be following this one.

Thanks for playing! 😊


Hello KatanaVN! Thanks for the game :)

But, can you please add here to your itch game page the alternative gofiles download links? I know you have them as public links on your patreon, but also having them here would be nice.

People may just turn away if they see that a game has only mega download links (which don't work because mega limits downloads).

Anyway, what I wanna say is that, this is really a great game, so everyone should know about it, that it's also available not just through mega download links.

Hey there!
I uhh am still relatively green with, but I've been told customer service can increase the upload limit by some amount, so I will do that (as I was limited with 1gb uploads). I've just sent them the request, so hopefully we can see a change with that soon ^^


Hey there. I haven't played the game as of yet. Reading through the comments has me really wanting to play it.

I've played many VNs from itch and other places. The fact that so many people are giving you such high regard has me hopeful. 

I'm looking forward to a great story, character development and of course some lewdness. If i have to work for it, i am ok with that. Makes it more interesting and valued.

Thank you for the efforts you are putting into this creation. I look forward to playing it today.

Well... I really wanted to play this game and see what all the hype is about. But as usual, Mega is being difficult. I have an account, I'm logged into it. But dor whatever reason whenever I click "download in app" it takes me to the screen to download the app.

I really hate Mega. Its always giving me issues.

Might i suggest other options for downloading? I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it


Actually, I do have another option! But only one can be selected on, so I go with Mega.

You can check the other links available so far here (public post):

If the game is half as good as your helpfulness I will be so very happy.

Thank you so much for replying so fast and providing me an alternative to downloading.

You've made my day!


I've been playing it. I'm loving it. 

The story flows really well. The characters are great. I love the choices. How you can't have everything. 

I love it.

Thank you


Glad you enjoyed it!




Has rollback been disabled in this version or is it just me?

Shouldn't be, only thing that is the issue is not supporting the old saves. Casual rolling back on a new save should work though.


Relaunch fixed the problem 

Keep up the good work ^_^ 

I am gonna wait for some more updates so that I can binge it. Playing Eturnum and My real desire was hard enough because of cliffhanger endings. Please tell me this update doesn't end on a cliffhanger. Because I don't think I can handle a third one. 


God this is a prime example of why I love visual novels, can't wait for more!


I hope you will like what's in the store!


Having finished episode 3, this was definitely worth the wait and  I think I can confidently say that this is by far the best adult game on the website.

Thanks for the high praise!
I think there are better ones though (insert run emoji).

(1 edit) (+3)

Avis has the best booty.

Do you plan to put this on Steam? I'd buy it.


Unfortunately I can't publish it on Steam because of the possible copyright issues with the software in use.


Damn that's unfortunate.


i see FALAZIO in Eternum 😁


Wink wink 😁


i really like that guy, Eternum should pay TF for you 😁 for borrowing Falazio..

anyway i like your game sir/mam

kat, i almost played it trice times..

great work !


Haha, was just a small collab I had with Cari! 

Glad you enjoyed it! More to play soon.

Oh no way! I knew "heist master Cheng" had to be an Eternum cameo, but now I need to replay that to see Falazio's cameo! Awesome collab! 😁


bro this is the best game i ever played


Glad you enjoyed it! 


Really liked the song during Serena's event in the club. 


Anal sex?


Looking forward to the next update! Absolutely love this!


I've tried the game yesterday and loved it. Nice story, cute girls and amazing render quality. Can't wait for episode 3.


Are there any H scenes yet? By the way this is my favorite vn I have ever played! Keep up the amazing work


No real H scenes yet. Besides some teasing that is. It's a slower paced one, and the first scene will be in episode 3.


What fetishes do you have planned? Love that it doesnt rush into the h scenes as in other AVNs, instead actually gives the characters time to grow b4 you do things with them, and glad that the MC isn't too pervy.


For actual fetishes, most of the things aren't set in stone yet. Anything more extreme you can more or less forget about, as it will be more vanilla oriented. However some characters might have certain quirks, but as I said, nothing yet set in stone. Glad you liked the overall vibe of it!

I'm more of a vanilla guy myself, breeding is the only "fetish" I have ig. I just mainly asked cuz I try to stray clear of certain fetishes that don't interest me. Thankfully you said it'll be less extreme. Keep up the good work. The only thing that bothered me, is the hair cut of the MC, but it grew on me😭

Giggle, seems like it's either "pretty good" or "pretty bad" with mc hair, no inbetween. I am very limited by hair in my engine, however I am open to hair changes, for both males and females throughout the game. As long as they of course make sense, mc isn't suddenly going to grow hair to his butt in one week. So yeah, if I manage to find some good hair that fits him and can be believable, I might introduce it ingame!


Beautiful Story, KatanaVN , I think this is the best visual novel game I've ever played! . By the way, when is episode 3 released?


Thanks for the kind words!
Unfortunately due to my University and me focusing on it, it's definitely delayed to what I would wish for, and I don't want to give any dates yet. However... It's going well! The next progress update (upsie, forgot again to post here) will show that we are slowly getting there, and it's definitely coming this summer.

Deleted post

Thanks for the kind words, I hope you stick around 😊


This game is very good!

Thank you KatanaVN!

Thanks for playing it!

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